I am a 23 year old Panama City native working in the TV and Film industry as well as a freelance Photographer & Videographer. All throughout my life I can remember having a camera in hand. From a Polaroid One 600 when I was a toddler, to my grandparents Canon point and shoot as a pre-teen. I finally moved onto the DSLR world in 2013 with a Nikon D3200, I moved on from that rather quickly getting my Canon T5i in 2014. A lot of my early work was shot on the T5i and it will forever hold a place in my heart. I upgraded to the world of mirrorless in 2018, starting with the Sony A5000 and moving quickly to the A6500 and eventually to the A7iii, my current and by far favorite camera I have ever had the pleasure using. I haven't only been captivated with capturing moments for my whole life though. At the old age of 8 years old I found this program on my Grandparents computer called "Windows Movie Maker" and let me tell you, I was instantly hooked. There wasn't an afternoon after school that I wasn't pasting together pictures and videos to text and music, creating what I then thought were cinematic masterpieces! I moved away from the Movie Maker in 2013, transferring my love to Apples iMovie, and eventually two years later to Final Cut Pro X, the software I use to this day. As a 23 year old, to say I have Over a decade of Post Production, Photography, and Videography under my belt is a little funny, but it truly has been a passion for my entire life, and certainly always will be.

My Style
While I shoot a lot of lifestyle photography, I love thinking outside of the box and creating wild images. Photoshop composition images are something I've been toying with for over a year now and have produced some insane products from. My by far favorite image I've ever done was one I took in my own back yard. I stood on my jeep, clicked a photo, and threw it into photoshop. In photoshop I transformed it into an out of this world picture! (seen below) I hope to get the chance to do more composites in the years following. I'm always down for a creative shoot!
My favorite images